P.D.O. Extra-virgin olive oil "Aziende SantaCroce & Sant'Aloja"
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Variety: Coratina, cultivar that, thanks to the elevated percentage of oleic acid and to the high antioxidants content, shows sizeable nutritional properties, an elevated shelf-life, a very low level of free acidity. |
 Soil: sandy-slimy, with tender limestones at the lower layer, fractured to improve draining and absorption capacity.
Climate: typically Mediterranean, warm and dry , with mean temperature of 16,1° and annual mean rainfall of 562 mms. |

| | Irrigation: Artesian well with filtering station and drop irrigation plant, that allows to regulate soil moisture, thus fostering strengthening of the tree, as well as olives size, production and stone-pulp ratio. |
- Dung;
- Shredding and grass cover crop: they increase nourishing substances quantities into the soil;
- Fertigation (fertilizing through irrigation): guarantees the fertilizer to be more effective, through a targeted distribution of same in small quantities, for the benefit of environment.
- Foliage fertilization: it allows, through the stamens of the leaves, an immediate use of the nourishing substances, thus fostering tree development and strengthening of olives organoleptic properties.
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 Pruning: realized to assure the perfect illumination of the fruits and an easy access to foliage for defense operations.
Phytosanitary defense: natural methods and techniques that guarantee the absence of harmful residues into the product, through the rigorous respect of intervention thresholds and the time interval that must pass from the last treatment to the harvest. |
Period of harvest: precocious harvest, to get fruits under perfect conditions and with an elevated polyphenolic content, from which a yielded taste oil is extracted, that maintains its organoleptic properties without suffering losses of colour and aroma. | | * |
* | | Method of harvest: mechanical shaking and hand picking, laying then olives in bins, that guarantee a correct airing and avoid to submit the fruits to pressures that can damage the integrity of it, shrewdness that, together with a very brief interval between harvest and grinding, prevent olives to go rancid, the increase of free acidity level and the fermentation of the fruits, with subsequent quality degradation of the product. |
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